Lifestyle that is conscious of aging care

When working on aging care, it is important not only to approach from the outside of the body, but also to be conscious of changing from the inside. Review your daily life from the perspective of diet, sleep, warmth, and intestinal activity.


Eating a nutritionally balanced diet three times a day at regular times is important for skin conditioning. In addition, it is advisable to actively incorporate the following nutrients that are effective for aging care.

・ Vitamins Vitamins
that condition the skin and promote metabolism are essential nutrients for the skin. It can be taken from green and yellow vegetables and fruits.

・ Protein
Protein is the material that makes muscles, organs, skin, and hair. If it is insufficient, the skin will lose its firmness and luster, and aging will accelerate. Take it continuously from eggs, fish, tofu, natto, etc.

・ Flaxseed oil Flaxseed oil
, which has an antioxidant effect, is an ingredient that traps water in the skin and increases moisture. Effective for aging problems such as age spots, wrinkles, and dryness.

・ Minerals Minerals
that help the metabolism of the skin and are also involved in the production of collagen. It can be taken from seaweeds such as wakame seaweed and kelp, soybeans, and milk.

・ Iron If
iron is insufficient, your complexion will become pale. It is also involved in the production of collagen, so it will lose the elasticity of the skin. Iron contained in vegetable foods such as vegetables is not easily absorbed by the body, so eat foods containing heme iron that are easily absorbed, such as liver and scallops.

・ Gamma-linolenic acid
γ-linolenic acid is a nutrient component for cell membranes. It also works to suppress skin inflammation caused by dryness and allergies, and also works to give gloss to hair. However, few foods contain large amounts of gamma-linolenic acid and should be supplemented with supplements and cosmetics.


Sleep secretes growth hormone and promotes skin metabolism. Get a good night’s sleep to regain the firmness and luster of your skin.

Warm activity

Warming is the habit of warming the body and raising the basal body temperature. When the body gets cold and blood circulation deteriorates, the turnover of the skin is disturbed, and dullness and bears are likely to occur. Warm large muscles such as the neck, wrists, ankles, and thighs where arteries flow to distribute warm blood flow throughout the body. It is also recommended to take a bath slowly.

Intestinal activity

Intestinal activity is to balance the intestinal environment. Many immune cells are gathered in the intestine, and the happiness hormone serotonin is also produced. Maintaining intestinal health helps to balance the skin from the inside out.


If you take in oxygen firmly by aerobic exercise such as light jogging or walking, nutrients and oxygen will be distributed to your body. As the metabolism becomes active and the turnover rhythm is adjusted, the basal metabolism rises and the effect of preventing obesity can be expected.

More effective aging care with professional hands

Professional care and advice are indispensable for aging care, which has many necessary ingredients and where awareness of total care is important. Regularly supplementing what is lacking with professional hands will also enhance the effectiveness of self-care.

Lymphatic treatments using gamma-linolenic acid and lift care courses using human stem cells are popular at EBM’s skin care studios. Please use it as an opportunity to regain your own beauty.
At skin care studios nationwide developed by the basic cosmetics company EBM, we provide heartfelt beauty and health care based on cosmetics that suit each person’s skin and constitution. If you have any problems with your skin or skin care, please feel free to contact us.

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